Graveyard News

Knot-weed – after 5 years of chemical treatment, the large area of Japanese knot-weed is now under control and eliminated. In 2021 I had it levelled and this has now freed up more plots. I am hoping to re-seed some of it with wild flowers in the future. Bulb Planting – further planting of spring bulbs…

Purchasing a Plot – Services & Prices

We have plots available for both burials and the interment of cremated remains. All our prices are one-off payments. We do not make any additional  on-going annual charges nor do we sell any plots with leases – once you have purchased a plot, you are the owner of the plot indefinitely. The Purchase of Plots for…

Maintenance & Upkeep

The upkeep and maintenance of Pole Moor Graveyard is an on-going task. When Robert acquired the Graveyard in 2015 it was in a bad, overgrown  and neglected state with many repairs and much work needed to make it accessible. It also contained a large area of Japanese Knot-weed which was rapidly encroaching on the graves…

The Grave Diggers of Pole Moor

Digging a grave up at Pole Moor even today with the help of machinery, is no easy job. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries ,the climate and height of it’s location would mean that the grave diggers must have been hardy people as, for many years, all of the graves were dug by…

Graveyard History

Pole Moor Chapel first opened it’s doors in 1790. However, deeds and records from the Broadbent family collection show that people were actually being buried up at Pole Moor as early as 1783 indicating the presence of an earlier chapel/religious house. The first burial plots were situated close to the Chapel. Over the years, as…

Family History

Looking for Long Lost Ancestors As custodians of Pole Moor Graveyard we are happy to help if you are researching your family history and believe you have relatives buried in the Graveyard. We can look up entries in the original burial registers to find out where exactly they are buried. We do not charge for…